Salmon & Trout Farming

Hofseth is the only aquaculture farmer in the scenic Storfjorden. Operating alone in a fjord is not only a great privilege but also a substantial responsibility. We take this very seriously, particularly regarding the environmental and social impact we have on the area.

StorfjordenFarming LocationsZero EmissionOur Guiding Principles


The crisp and clear water in Storfjorden, is the secret to our excellent fish welfare, as well as the key to producing great tasting and healthy seafood products. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to us to preserve the fjord, as it enables the continuation of sustainable food production for future generations to come.

Location provides perfect biological conditions

Natural flow-through system

The powerful Gulf Stream creates strong currents at the coast, which flow through the fjord, providing circulation and continuous new access to water and oxygen.

Ideal all-year water temperature

Storfjorden has ideal year-round water temperatures for optimal farming, featuring cool summers (< 16 °C) and mild winters (>5 °C).

Fresh mountain water reduces lice

Storfjorden is filled with fresh snowmelt from the steep, surrounding mountains during spring and summer. This is ideal for fish farming as sea lice avoids fresh water, allowing the fish to thrive.

Deep and vast fjord

Storfjorden is a deep and vast fjord with a depth ranging from 400 to 800 meters. With no thresholds to restrict water inflow, the fjord has excellent access to seawater from the coast.

Tafjord Hatchery

In Tafjord, deep within Storfjorden, is our smolt and post-smolt facility. Here, we cultivate salmon and trout from the roe stage until the fish is ready for a life at sea. Explore the process of how we nurture our fish during the initial stage of their lives.

Our Farming Locations

Hofseth has five farming locations in Storfjorden, along with a state-of-the art smolt facility in Tafjord. Our farming operations are strategically located to prevent lice, and to allow efficient and less demanding transfers when moving fish from the hatchery to sea farming facilities and further on to processing.


Tafjord Hatchery

In Tafjord, you will find our smolt and post-smolt facility. Here, we produce trout from the egg stage until the fish are ready to be transferred to the sea at one of our sites in Storfjorden.

Address: Tafjordvegen 1385, 6213 Tafjord, Norway



The facility Bugane is located at the outermost part of Storfjorden.



The facility Skjortneset is located near Stordalen in Storfjorden.



The facility Urdaneset is located near Stranda in Storfjorden.



The facility Overåneset is located near Stranda in Storfjorden.



Vindnes is located near Valldal in Storfjorden. At this location, we have a viewing platform where visitors can learn more about how we produce salmon and rainbow trout.


Stranda Feeding Center

Our modern feeding center is located in Stranda, where we feed the fish from shore using underwater cameras in the fish pens. This setup allows us to observe the fish's behavior and appetite, enabling us to feed them the correct amount at the right time.

Address: Bygdavegen 521, Stranda 6200

Egget is our innovative closed pen concept

At Hofseth, we aspire to take a leading role in the development and commercialisation of closed aquaculture technology. We are convinced that closed facilities represent the future, not only because they eliminate issues such as sea lice, escape incidents, and environmental emissions but also because they provide greater flexibility in terms of location and better control over biological processes. With successful harvest of the first batch of fish from Egget Hofseth now plans to build several full scale Eggs in Storfjorden.

Focus on Zero Emissions

To safeguard our fjords, we take pride in continous innovation with new and more responsible approaches to aquaculture. Alongside capable partners, we are working towards a set goal of zero emissions across our operations.

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Our Guiding Principles

Aquaculture has a critical role in helping to end world hunger and malnutrition. As an ASC certified farmer, we follow a set standard for responsible aquaculture in order to minimise the environmental and social impacts of our activities.

Protecting the Wild salmon

The wild salmon, ancestor of the Atlantic Salmon, lives in the rivers surrounding our fjord and we are taking every measure to preserve the population.

No Antibiotics

Unlike many other farming countries, farmers in Norway do not use antibiotics in order to help prevent antibiotic resistance. Instead, Norwegian farmers use extensive preventative measures to keep the fish healthy.

Zero Emissions

Our goal is to produce fish in a carbon neutral way, and we are currently transitioning our facilities to utilize renewable power from solar and hydrogen.

Custom Feed

We have a close cooperation with world-leading feed provider Cargill, and the raw material has strict specifications regarding origin and nutritional content.

Animal Welfare

We have continous monitoring of the fish and the environment, ensuring low levels of disease and lice, and minimal frequency of fish handling.

Safe Working Conditions

The safety of our workers is of utmost importance, and we have strict HMS regulations ensuring the health and wellbeing of our employees.