Our Responsibility

The west Norwegian coasts and fjords are among the most spectacular and awe-inspiring landscapes in existence. Raising and producing salmon and trout in this unique place is a privilege, and we see it as our obligation to safeguard the natural resources to leave as a legacy for our successors.

Healthy and Safe SeafoodReducing Environmental ImpactInnovative SolutionsOur Guiding Principles
What we do today
shapes our world tomorrow

Roger Hofseth
CEO Hofseth

Healthy and Safe Seafood

Aquaculture has a critical role in helping end world hunger and malnutrition. Therefore, we aim to produce healthy, sustainable, and high-quality seafood that is accessible for many to enjoy.

Fish Welfare

Fish welfare is our top priority. With strategically placed new facilities and effective monitoring, we have achieved excellent results.

Local Processing

We process the fish as close to the sources as possible to ensure value creation in the local communities and to provide the freshest raw material in our products.

Food Safety

We work every day to ensure that our processing facilities produce safe food for consumers all over the world, and we uphold the highest quality standards.

Reducing Environmental Impact

In our whole value chain, from farming to freight of the finished product, we focus on reducing the environmental impact.

Renewable Energy

Located in a fjord surrounded by towering mountains and majestic waterfalls, we not only have abundant access to pristine water but also renewable energy from locally produced hydroelectric power. We have renewable electricity available at all our facilities across the entire value chain. At one of our aquaculture sites where grid power isn’t available, we harness solar energy using floating solarfarms built on recycled cages provided by the local company Inseanergy.

Protecting Wild Salmon

Our farmed salmon can be traced back to wild salmon populations in Norway, and we see it as our duty to preserve these wild salmon. We work on several fronts to minimize our impact. First and foremost, we strive to ensure zero escapes and minimal sea lice inour existing facilities in Storfjorden.

We plan to grow using closed pens, both through our investment in closed sea facilities  and land-based aquaculture, project called Raudbergvika. We collaborate closely with both the national organization Norske Lakseelver and local associations through Lakseelvene på Sunnmøre. We have contributed significantly and continue to support initiatives and knowledge that can improve the situation for salmon and trout in our area.

The image shows researcher Marius Kampebastad from the NORCE research institute conducting spawning surveys in Tafjordelva to assess the status of wild salmon in the Storfjorden area.

Utilize the Whole Fish with Hofseth Biocare

To have enough nutrition for the growing world population, it is essential to utilize as much as possible of the food production for human consumption. We strive to utilize as much of the fish as possible in our products, but offcuts like the head, backbone, skin and tail are normally considered waste. Through our local innovative biotech company, Hofseth Biocare, we are able to transform the offcuts into high-value nutraceutical ingredients for human consumption.

Sustainable Packaging

We are constantly looking for new packaging methods and new types of materials that secure the high quality of our products and at the same time reduce our environmental footprint. Through cooperation with suppliers, and mapping of our value chain we have identified opportunities to implement sustainable solutions at every stage. EPS waste from raw material arriving at our processing facilities is compressed and recycled into building materials. On our fresh fish deliveries to European customers we have transitioned from using EPS packaging, into the sole use of 100% recyclable paper packaging solutions, significantly reducing our CO2 footprint. Salmon off-cuts are transported using reusable containers to minimize waste. Our goal is to make all plastic packaging fully recyclable or reusable by 2026.

Low Emission Transport

Throughout our value chain, we strive to minimize our environmental footprint. We've significantly reduced emissions in fish transport from our aquaculture sites to processing facilities by half with the introduction of the processing vessel Taumar, compared to traditional well-boats. We are shifting our sales from fresh to frozen and re-freshed products transported via low-emission container ships. We are currently working on a project aimed at reducing air freight, called IceFresh. With our patented hyper-rapid defrosting solution, IceFresh technology, we can reduce CO2 emissions, lower transport costs, extend shelflife, ensure flexible supply, and reduce food waste.

Innovative Solutions

We believe that sustainable aquaculture growth will come in submersible cages and closed systems. As we are committed to be a part of the solution, we allocate vast resources to the development of more sustainable technologies.

Closed Farming

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Submersible Farming

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Landbased Farming

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An Important Industry for the Future

Aquaculture is one of Norway’s most important industries, playing a key role in both the economy and environmental stewardship. At Hofseth, we value responsible and forward-thinking aquaculture, aiming to become the world’s most sustainable seafood company. On Barentswatch, you can learn more about how Norwegian aquaculture contributes to sustainable food production, innovation, and the management of our marine resources.

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Focus on Zero Emissions

To safeguard our fjords, we take pride in continous innovation with new and more responsible approaches to aquaculture. Alongside capable partners, we are working towards a set goal of zero emissions across our operations.

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Our Guiding Principles

As an ASC certified farmer, we follow a set standard for responsible aquaculture in order to minimise the environmental and social impacts of our activities.

Protecting the Wild Salmon

The wild salmon, ancestor of the Atlantic Salmon, lives in the rivers surrounding our fjord and we are taking every measure to preserve the population.

No Antibiotics

Unlike many other farming countries, farmers in Norway do not use antibiotics in order to help prevent antibiotic resistance. Instead, Norwegian farmers use extensive preventative measures to keep the fish healthy.

Zero Emissions

Our goal is to produce fish in a carbon-neutral way, and we are currently transitioning our facilities to utilize renewable power from solar and hydrogen.

Custom Feed

We have a close cooperation with world-leading feed provider Cargill, and the raw material have strict specifications regarding origin and nutritional content.

Animal Welfare

We have continous monitoring of the fish and the environment, ensuring low levels of disease and lice, and minimal frequency of fish handling.

Safe Working Conditions

The safety of our workers is of utmost importance, and we have strict HMS regulations ensuring the health and wellbeing of our employees.