Code of Conduct

“In Hofseth we believe that our success is built on a foundation of personal and professional integrity. Hofseth understands the challenge of ensuring high social, ethical, and environmental standards within our business and throughout our supply chain and is committed to working close together with our suppliers to make sure that these standards are subject to continuous improvement.”

- Roger Hofseth, CEO


Hofseth assumes the responsibility of the areas over which we have control. This means that we have a responsibility toward the local communities and immediate environment in which we operate, as well as towards our employees, customers, suppliers, and society.

Hofseth is aware that the seafood industry is about much more than just seafood. It is about delivery performance, business, social, and environmental responsibility, innovation through developing new products and production methods and about providing quality products to our customers. Our main goal is to develop and maintain a financially sound and prosperous business with respect towards human, nature and environment.

No Forced Labor, Human Trafficking, or Slavery

Hofseth engages in voluntary employment of all employees and respects the right of employees to decide to work or not. Hofseth does not use forced labor, whether in the form of prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, or otherwise, nor shall Hofseth engage in any form of human trafficking and/or slavery. Employees are free to terminate their employment with Hofseth after reasonable notice.

No Child Labor

Hofseth does not engage in or support the use of child labor. Hofseth does not recruit child labor (Child Labor being defined under ILO Conventions as workers under the age of 15, or 14 in certain developing countries). No hazardous work is carried out by anyone under the age of 18. Hofseth maintains formal documentation that verifies the age of each worker. A remediation program is in place if Hofseth finds any form of child labor in its supply chain. Hofseth supports the development of legitimate workplace apprenticeships programs for educational benefit of younger people. However, they will not be exploited or given jobs that are dangerous to their health and safety. Employees under the age of 18 but, above the legal limit for employment are not employed at night or in dangerous conditions.

Freedom of Association

Hofseth respects the freedom of association and the right for collective bargaining. Hofseth has an open attitude towards the activities of both trade unions and worker organizations. Workers’ representatives are not discriminated against and have access to carry out their representative functions in the workplace.

No Discrimination

Hofseth does not and shall not discriminate based on race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring, and firing staff, selection of vendors and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors and clients.
Hofseth is an equal opportunity employer. We will not discriminate and will take affirmative action measures to ensure against discrimination in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant based on race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

No Harassment or Abuse

Hofseth treats all its employees with dignity and respect. No employees are the subject to any physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal harassment or abuse including the use of physical punishment. All disciplinary actions are recorded and fair, proportionate, and fully compliant with local laws and regulations.

Working Conditions

Hofseth will provide a safe and hygienic working environment, bearing in mind the prevailing knowledge of the industry and any specific hazards. Adequate steps are taken to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, associated with, or occurring during work, by minimizing, as far as is reasonably practicable, the causes of hazards inherent to the working environment. Applicable Health and Safety regulations will be adhered to and complied with at all times, and a working environment which is safe and conducive to good health and safety shall be provided. Employees shall receive regular and recorded health and safety training and such training shall be repeated for new or reassigned employees or as specified in local laws. Hofseth provides access to clean toilet facilities and to potable water, and sanitary facilities for food storage. Hofseth provides furthermore clean and safe employee accommodations – for hired staff from abroad – that meets the basic needs of the employees.

Fair Wages and Working Hours

Hofseth pays wages and benefits according to the national legal standards. All employees shall be provided with written and understandable information about their employment conditions in respect to wages before they enter employment and about the particulars of their wages for the pay period concerned each time that they are paid. Overtime is paid at an enhanced rate, at a minimum in compliance with national legislation. Hofseth does not permit deductions of wages as a disciplinary measure and does not make any deductions from wages not provided by national law without the expressed permissions of the employee concerned. Furthermore, Hofseth will comply with national laws on working hours.

Protection of the Environment

Hofseth conducts his businesses in compliance with all applicable environmental laws, rules, and regulations. Waste is minimized within the company and items recycled wherever this is practicable. Effective controls of waste in respect to ground, air and water pollution are adopted. For hazardous materials, emergency response plans are in place. Undue and unnecessary use of materials is avoided and recycled materials are used whenever appropriate. All production and delivery processes, including heating, ventilation, lighting, IT systems and transportation is based on the need to maximize efficient energy use and to minimize harmful emissions. The company respects the regulations on animal welfare and shall actively contribute in production methods which minimize animal suffering.

Product Responsibility

The manufacturing units of Hofseth are approved in accordance with the HACCP regulations in Norway, the EU and the US as well as in accordance with the BRC/IFS (internationally approved certification). The manufacturing units will allow customer assessments and give access to all information regarding the safety and legality of our products. This means that we shall always have full control of product safety through marking, tracing, control of raw materials and training routines. Through our systems, we shall make sure that the customers receive the product they have ordered and that deviations from this are apparent through our continuous product and hygiene controls. Continuous improvements and sufficient resources shall ensure the quality of this work.

Business Integrity

Hofseth strives to provide a workplace free of bribery and corruption by complying with all applicable laws relating to bribery, money laundering and/or corruption as well as prohibiting the exchange of money or anything else of value to or from anyone, including government officials, to influence actions or to obtain an improper advantage. Acquiring advantages through corruption, bribery and similar inappropriate behavior will never be accepted. Employee performance appraisals will be used to control that employees have not violated the company’s code of conduct or felt pressure from customers/suppliers to perform acts which are not in line with our code of conduct.

Global Welfare

Our main goal is to develop and maintain a financially sound and prosperous business. Hofseth assumes the responsibility of the areas over which we have control. This means that we have a responsibility towards the local community and immediate environment in which we operate, as well as towards our employees, customers, suppliers and society as a whole. We have therefore defined some key requirements for our activities in order to ensure that we are a business focusing on social responsibility.

  • We commit ourselves to perform our activities with integrity and a high ethical standard.
  • We comply with all legal requirements valid in the countries where we operate.
  • We respect the UN Declaration of Human Rights and acknowledge our responsibility to comply with the requirements thereby imposed on our operations.
  • We have an open dialogue with those affected by our operations (both those who believe they are affected and those who are).
  • Promote activities and partnerships which will contribute to obtaining sustainable development for the company and its surroundings.
  • Make it visible to the company’s interested parties that we have a clear vision and implementation capacity in relation to social responsibility.
  • Actively work to ensure animal welfare within the industries in which we operate.
  • Inspire our surroundings through passion and dedication to what we do.
  • Innovation and decisiveness shall be the recurring theme throughout all areas of our business.
  • Have fun at work and spread this good mood to those who cross our paths at work and in our free time.
  • Within the framework of what we can influence, we will strive to ensure that our production, suppliers, partners and other partners respect and follow the principles of our Code of Conduct

Human Welfare

A good and stable relationship with all employees, based on mutual respect and dignity is vital to Hofseth International. Employment terms offered to our employees shall satisfy the minimum requirements of national law. The company shall always strive towards keeping work related accidents and health issues to a minimum. Many of our employees have physically demanding work. In order to prevent discomfort, injuries and absence in connection with this, the company shall as far as possible eliminate the most stressful work positions through innovation and automation. All work related accidents, injuries and absence will be recorded so that we are always updated and can strive to prevent repetition.

  • We offer a healthy and safe working environment, and commit to continuous improvement.
  • We offer equal opportunities regardless of race, skin color, gender, nationality, religion ethnicity or other characteristics. We do not accept discrimination or bullying.
  • We make it easy for employees and others associated with Hofseth to report legitimate concerns or dissatisfaction in such a way that in ensures correct treatment and measures, without the one reporting risking retaliation.
  • We accept the employees’ right to establish or join workers’ unions, in accordance with regulations and practice in the respective countries.
  • We offer training and the opportunity for education supporting their current and future development plans.
  • We do not employ people under the age of 15, or under the applicable country’s statutory age limit.
  • HSE is central to our work.
  • Ensure individual development through training and performance appraisals.
  • We do not use mandatory labor, slavery or other forms of involuntary labor in our workplaces. We do not accept conditions that hinder the freedom of movement of the employees.
  • Good “headroom” for ideas and other feedback from the company’s employees.
  • The Managing Director and the cleaning crew have equal value to the company. Different responsibilities shall be valued according to performance, not according to title.
  • The company expects that employees show the same respect and loyalty towards their workplace as they receive from the company.
  • The employees shall follow the code of conduct, hygiene requirements and company rules stated in the company’s staff manual.
  • The employees are obligated to inform the management if they observe violations of the company’s guidelines.
  • By signing a document for completed training, employees have accepted that violations of the guidelines will have consequences. The severity of the consequence shall be proportionate to the severity of the violation.
  • Be an active participant in the local community and ensure a good relationship with the local inhabitants.
  • The company’s management is obligated to take time to talk to elderly people at the local store who want to know how the salmon business is doing.

In order to develop the company it is important to develop the employees. This shall be done through targeted employee follow-up. Employees shall be given both criticism and praise, and can give criticism and praise back. Employee performance appraisals shall be documented so that the company can use the information to develop the employee and thereby develop the company.

Environmental Welfare

Because we strongly believe that the seafood industry and seafood related services can contribute significantly to a more sustainable world, Hofseth commits itself to proactive environmental management on all levels.

  • We ensure an organizational structure, management systems, procedures and training effort so that these, as a minimum, ensure that Hofseth complies with relevant laws, regulations and standards.
  • In order to achieve continuous improvement we involve our employees, suppliers, customers, partners and other interested parties in our environmental efforts.
  • Suppliers of intermediate products must have a good environmental profile, show social responsibility and follow applicable laws and regulations in the countries where they operate.
  • Strive towards using only suppliers operating in countries complying with regulations and human rights understanding similar to the ones we have in Norway.
  • Our goal is continuous improvement of environmental performance in our activities, products and services. We are actively seeking opportunities to reduce negative environmental impact in a life cycle perspective.
  • The company uses sustainably farmed raw materials from Norway (SALMON WELFARE) in order to prevent negative impact on the wild stock through good farming practices.
  • Implement measures for recycling and energy saving, and view this as opportunities to improve the group’s livelihood and earning opportunities.
  • Social responsibility shall be reported in the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the parameters the company sets (see indicators for reporting social responsibility).