September 9, 2024

New technology provides great environmental benefits and better quality for the consumer

With the help of new technology, Hofseth will change how seafood is distributed around the world. The aim is to create an optimal value chain for the delivery of seafood to customers, create better fish quality, limit the carbon footprint and less food waste.

The IceFresh project was presented at the GATH (Global Aquaculture Tech Hub) conference on 6 September in Ålesund. Some of the leading technology companies in the marine and maritime sector in this region were in attendance.

Hofseth has every step of the value chain when it comes to the production of salmon and trout in West Norway, as well as processing fish from other farms in the country. The fish is quickly frozen locally and is then transported by boat to the market. Once the product has arrived, with the help of our state-of-the-art-de-frosting technology called IceFresh, the fish is thawed and offers a freshness which outperforms the one you can buy fresh from the stores around the world today. Hofseth is planning on establishing more hubs for thawing the fish around the world and has now started the first commercial venture.

Hofseth has seen a great level of interest around the new defrost technology which will change the way fish is distributed to the world. Here you can watch a video about the project: 2024-Icefresh (

CEO and Founder Roger Hofseth presented the Ice Fresh concept at the Gath Conference.